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HomeUpdatesPAX Australia 2017 Dates Announced for End of October

PAX Australia 2017 Dates Announced for End of October


PAX Australia will take place 27-29 Oct. 2017 the weekend BEFORE the Melbourne Cup weekend, at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Tickets are scheduled to go on sale 14 March, 2017.

“Australia’s gaming community has given PAX such an incredible home here,” said Jerry Holkins, co-founder of PAX and Penny Arcade. “This year will see the fifth PAX Aus erupt in Melbourne, and there’s every indication it will be the best one yet.”

Non-Fiction Gaming expects to be there in force again this year as we have at the previous four. There’s a ton of video interviews from the last few years on our Youtube Channel.

While we don’t have any info yet about Panels or Exhibitions, you can get a look at previous years schedules here. Already our minds are racing with what could be on display, will Nintendo have the Switch and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild? (Probably)

Early bird tickets will save you $5 AUD on the full ticket price, Friday Only, Saturday Only, and Sunday Only tickets will cost $65 AUD, Three Day Passes will cost $165 and includes recorded national delivery. International Three Day passes will cost $165 AUD.

Attendees wishing to bring their own computer, can also purchase a BYOC pass for an additional $45 AUD.


Game developers wishing to exhibit at PAX Australia 2017 can contact the PAX Aus team. Journalists, Youtube and Twitch content creators looking to cover the event can start applying for press passes in July 2017.

The PAX series of shows (West, East, South and Australia), produced by ReedPOP in conjunction with Penny Arcade, comprise some of the world’s largest gaming festivals, with each event entertaining tens of thousands of gaming fans.

Unfortunately one event across the US PAX shows that hasn’t made it down under is the Acquisitions Incorporated live games where Penny Arcade and Wizards of the Coast team up to run a live D&D game. At the very least you may be able to find me teaching Dungeons and Dragons in the Diversity Lounge or on the convention floor.

Are you heading to PAX Aus? Hit me up on Twitter @nfgDan or comment below and tell me what you’re most excited about seeing. If you’re looking for tips on how to get the most out of PAX, read my guide here.

Join Non-Fiction Gaming on Google+Facebook and Twitter.

Daniel Ryan
Daniel Ryan
Daniel 'Sheriff Dan' Ryan is a long time Dungeon Master who has worked in Esports, Marketing, and writes about Gaming when the sun goes down.


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