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HomePCWatch These 23 Minutes of Monster Hunter: World Gameplay Footage

Watch These 23 Minutes of Monster Hunter: World Gameplay Footage

Step inside Monster Hunter: World in the brand new gameplay video!


Capcom has released a brand new gameplay video for Monster Hunter: World. You get to see the cool animations of entering an area, what the map screen looks like and the hunting entails.

The video takes a deeper look at what seems to be a tutorial level on the PS4. With a bit of in-game voice-over and narration from Capcom you watch the quests unfolds as players set off on their journey to defeat the giant new monster, Anjanath, in the lush and leafy paradise of the Ancient Forest.


On the new generation of consoles the environment is going for a ‘lush’ realistic look compared to previous outings on the Wii U and 3DS. Watch the video and let me know if this is to your liking. I’m still torn on the idea of realism in a monster hunter franchise. The world does look good though.

No word yet on cross-platform interactions, though Sony has previously refused to play ball, Xbox One and PC tend to open up with Microsoft essentially controlling both districts there.

In the video you can see some of the creatures you can expect to come across within the New World, the newly discovered continent where Monster Hunter: World is set, including the Great Jagras which has the ability to swallow its prey whole and one of the Monster Hunter series favourites, Rathalos.

Players are able to use survival tools such as the Slinger and Scoutfly to aid them in their hunt. The slinger can make distractions and lead monsters to a more favourable fighting position, the Scoutfly creates a glowing line the players can use to track their prey. By using these skills to their advantage hunters can lure monsters into traps and even pit them against each other in an epic fierce battle.

Can our hunter successfully survive the fight and slay the Anjanath? He’ll need to select his weapon choice carefully from 14 different weapon classes and think strategically about how to take the giant foe down. Don’t forget to pack the camouflaging ghillie suit!

Monster Hunter: World comes to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in Early 2018. A PC release will follow at a later date.

Daniel Ryan
Daniel Ryan
Daniel 'Sheriff Dan' Ryan is a long time Dungeon Master who has worked in Esports, Marketing, and writes about Gaming when the sun goes down.


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