Tuesday, April 1, 2025
HomeUpdates Devil May Cry 5: DMC Reboot

[Preview] Devil May Cry 5: DMC Reboot

New Dante DMC

The next instalment of the multi-million selling Devil May Cry franchise sees Capcom collaborating with UK-based Ninja Theory to explore new frontiers for the series. DMC is in development for the Xbox 360  and PlayStation 3.

The press have recently been issued a trailer from Captivate 2012.


As usual we can see the one-liners we have come to love are still present. The world Dante inhabits looks like it can shift between the real and “limbo” where demons are able to come forth and the world itself is warped.

From its debut on PlayStation 2 in 2001, the Devil May Cry series has been all about stylish action, rewarding combat and a brash, smart-talking protagonist. The essential Devil May Cry format remains but their aim now seems to add some dark and brutal gameplay to try and redefine the franchise.

Set against a contemporary backdrop, DMC will depict a duplicitous world where nothing is ever as it seems and the line between good and evil is constantly blurred. Spurred into action by the promises of a trusted relation, Dante bursts into this world intent on revenge at any cost.

DMC will retain the series’ signature mix of sword and gunplay but add additional weapons, all new powers and a revitalised gameplay system as players encounter the game’s devilish mix of enemies and navigate the rich, interactive environment.

Devil May Cry sees the team at Ninja Theory joined by staff from Capcom’s R&D division. Creative direction for the title will be undertaken by Ninja Theory’s Tameen Antoniades and overseen by Hedeaki Itsuno, who has worked on all previous titles in the series. DMC is being co-produced by Capcom’s Japanese and North American development operations.



Daniel Ryan
Daniel Ryanhttps://www.nonfictiongaming.com/author/nfgdan/
Daniel 'Sheriff Dan' Ryan is a long time Dungeon Master who has worked in Esports, Marketing, and writes about Gaming when the sun goes down.


  1. I have such mixed feelings here. First up, why is he wearing skinny jeans, and why does he have really short hair? and why isn’t he blonde? I understand gritty reboot, but this is like Batman being a 5 foot nothing Asian guy in the next film. It just isn’t right. Gameplay looks good, Ninja Theory made Enslaved after all and that was pretty good. I hope they just fix the visual aspect of because so far its a little eh :/ for me.


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