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HomeUpdates Star Wars: The Old Republic 1.2 – Legacy Update Live

[News] Star Wars: The Old Republic 1.2 – Legacy Update Live

BioWare’s second major content patch for Star Wars: The Old Republic (SW:TOR) was deployed to live servers, bringing with it a raft of changes to the new MMO.

A new flashpoint, operation and warzone are all now available, in addition to the meat of the patch: the much touted Legacy content.

The Legacy system will allow you to unlock a variety of rewards and benefits which are shared across all your characters. Additionally, SW:TOR’s UI is now customizable, new daily missions and a long awaited feature of the Guild Bank.

Special Offers

To celebrate the release of 1.2 , BioWare also announced that it would offer SW:TOR players a number of in-game rewards:

•All subscribers with active game accounts on April 12, 2012 or April 21, 2012 will be rewarded with an in-game Legacy Reward: the Tauntaun Ram Pet via in-game mail.

•New players who subscribe to The Old Republic before April 21, 2012 will also receive the Legacy Tauntaun Ram Pet.

•All active subscribers who have achieved a level 50 character by April 12, 2012 will receive 30 days of game time at no charge as a reward for their loyalty to the game.

•Former subscribers with inactive accounts are invited back to play Game Update 1.2 for up to seven days at no charge starting April 13, 2012.

You can find the full patch notes for Update 1.2 here.

New End Game Content

· Flashpoint: Lost Island continues the story of Flashpoint: Kaon Under Siege from Game Update 1.1 – Rise of the Rakghouls. Players must survive a menacing island of mystery on Ord Mantell as they hunt for clues to the Rakghoul virus outbreak that ravaged the Tion Hegemony. This flashpoint is for groups of four Imperial or Republic players with characters at level 50.

· Operation: Explosive Conflict sends players to a new zone on the planet of Denova, where traitors and mercenaries are selling the rare explosive mineral baradium to the highest bidder. Players will battle through hordes of droids, mercenaries and deadly creatures all fighting for control of the planet and its valuable resources. This Operation is for groups of eight or sixteen Imperial or Republic players with characters at level 50.

· Warzone: Novare Coast pits two teams in an epic battle to control multiple mortar locations and use them to bombard vulnerable enemy bases. Like the Huttball Warzone, Novare Coast can be played Republic vs. Empire or with players of the same faction fighting each other in a thrilling contest of wills to determine each side’s greatest champions. Like all Warzones, Novare Coast is available for characters over level 10.

For more Star Wars check out our Review Here.

Star Wars: The Old Republic EA Origin Key + 30 days included is also available for $38.99 digital download through our affiliate program here.

Daniel Ryan
Daniel Ryanhttps://www.nonfictiongaming.com/author/nfgdan/
Daniel 'Sheriff Dan' Ryan is a long time Dungeon Master who has worked in Esports, Marketing, and writes about Gaming when the sun goes down.


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