It has been a big week for gaming here at NFG with Heroes of Newarth predictions been made, plenty of the staff getting into Guild Wars 2 and we took a trip down memory lane by reviewing The Elder Scrolls: IV Oblivion. Here’s what the staff have been playing this week. How about you? Let us know in the comments section below.
This week has been all over the place for games. The staff have been getting together to play Dungeon Defenders, fighting back hordes of orcs and ogres. Things get quite interesting when we start selling each others towers so that we can put ours in their place. Most of the time there is a lot of cooperation, yet sometimes the rivalry arises and things get rather ugly as we fight for mana gems.
After reading Chazz’ article on Guild Wars 2 my MMO gland twitched and I hurried over to GameFanShop to procure my copy. Since then I’ve dressed my Norn Mesmer hero in Purple and Gold embroidery for when he needs to dazzle minotaurs into submission with his fabulousness. If anyone wants to partake in the Fun, you can join us on the Isle of Janthir server.
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Senior Stiv:
I haven’t put in too much time for video games this week. As you can tell from my Overdue Review I’ve been digging through The Elder Scrolls’ land of Cyrodil as my Wood Elf Scout. While the game’s looks haven’t fared too well, I’m still having an absolute blast exploring the crypts and caves south of Skyrim. Learning about the lore of Cyrodil still grabs you and keeps you moving forward through the game, despite how laughable the characters look.
I’ve also found myself back in Arkham City, searching every nook and cranny for those damn Riddler trophies. Some aren’t that hard to find, but the puzzles for getting to them are just dumb founding. In spite of all of the head scratching I’ve decided to keep myself away from any strategy guide. Ugh, this is going to take awhile.

Matty D:
I have spent the last week in deep contemplation, pondering the nature of man and its existence, concluding that the very nature of being is one of abstract uncertainty, wherein we find ourselves pitted against and imultaneously towards each other in a world, not of stark black and white contrasts, but rather of subtle shades. I also bought a new pair of shoes, but that is beside the point.
I also finally got my grubby claws on The Witcher II: Assassin of Kings. As it finished installing however, I realized that I hadn’t finished playing the first one. I know that I don’t HAVE to play the first one but that is the reasoning of the emotionally empty. So now I’m rocking a Witcher run and, I have to admit, I don’t know why I ever stopped playing it in the first place. It has to be one of the most “realistic” and immersive fantasy RPG’s I’ve ever played. The main character, Gerald, is a bit of a wet sh*t and the gameplay can be a bit frustrating to master but, for lack of a better word, it gives me the “feelings”. Also, you can shag a tree chick, which is always a plus.
Mr Port:
Been reaping everyone and everything I come across in Darksiders 2, but still found plenty of time to roll out in Transformers: War for Cybertron. Grimlock,…GOD. These are quickly coming to an end sadly, so when that happens it will be back onto Final Fantasy 13-2 and Civilisation V.
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