Update 2: GTA V has released on PC and is available through our friends at GameFanShop. You can get 15% (And help Non-Fiction Gaming) By using the coupon code NFGLIVE.
Update: Rockstar Games have pushed back the release date of GTA V PC release to April 14th 2015
A petition to Rockstar asks for a GTA V PC release, a Reddit user claims to be Beta Testing a PC build already with supporting screenshots. Rockstar keeps tight lipped as per usual.
Console gamers have given Grand Theft Auto V a massive opening weekend. With an estimated development cost between 100-200 Million, GTA V has reportedly brought in more than $800 Million in the first week.
‘Elitist’ PC gamers feeling left out in the cold have little to do but twiddle their thumbs and sign a petition. There has traditionally been a 5-8 month gap between console and PC releases from GTA III onwards.
Toronto gamer, Mike Julliard is tired of waiting and has launched a petition requesting Rockstar to bring out the GTA V PC Release as soon as possible. The petition already has over 540,000 signatures at the time of writing and continues to grow in popularity.

The petition itself touches on PC being the most powerful platform and the power of modding that has gone along with it in the past.
In August this year, Ubisoft bowed to public interest to have Tom Clancy’s The Division release on PC, having originally only slated it for an Xbox One and PlayStation 4 version.
Speaking of a GTA V PC release, Reddit user DevBuild claims to have leaked images of a GTA V PC Beta build. Without an official comment or any proof we can only assume this is someone looking for attention. But just in case, here are some of the pictures.

We asked Rockstar if they had any comment regarding a GTA V PC release, the petition and the alleged ‘DevBuild’ tester but they haven’t responded.
Be sure, if you haven’t already; check out the GTA V Official Trailer. See what features are available through GTA Online. GTA V is currently available on Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.
Have you had a chance to jump into the world of Los Santos yet or are you waiting for a GTA V PC release? Let us know in the comments below or on our Facebook Page.
i’m definitely waiting the Pc version ^^
i’m gonna double dip probably, will buy it when it’s released for PS4
So fake…
I agree, – “Without an official comment or any proof we can only assume this is someone looking for attention.”
the picture is obviously fake.. if he had pc version he would have GTA V icon with other games below, he would have GTA V on top of the picture, and he would show start bar.. and there’s photoshop on top of the screen, and how could you believe this?
I have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about.
You can believe if you try hard enough. If you needed pixie dust to fly you’d be fucked right now.
shit….he’s just only a beta tester…Please
Even if those screenshots on PC are fake, it looks waaaaaaaay better then console!
And by console I mean XBOX! BECAUSE XBOX IS WANK!
What makes PS3 not a console?
your mother!
oh wow so mature!
thats because it’s 720p true window form of course if you look closely not really but look close enough those are console textures.
How can a Russian guy be a GTA V PC version tester??? This is just riddiculous
How did I see that?- you ask. The icons are in Russian. (for example S.T.A.L.K.E.R – Зов Припяти)
Much cheaper than hiring someone in America.
Hes using a capture card and xbox or ps3 console they only made it 720p and you can tell by the size and graphics its console. See the creative capture folder to the right CreativeAlcamy gave it away, nice try you noobski russian.
why not?
That could be a legit screenshot done by connecting a console to a TV Tuner card or an HDMI input, which would be obvious if the taskbar was there. I don’t buy that it’s a legit PC version of the game.
[…] { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ Via Non Fiction Gaming, Reddit Read More: http://vr-zone.com/articles/reddit-u…-pc/58459.html Share| […]
Pretty fake, theres a photoshop icon there, and evenmore he have the games by the botton of the screen and there isnt any GTA V, that looks like a movie player since the window dont have title
Everyone has photoshop.
[…] Non Fiction Gaming, […]
the pics are older than a week, wtf. these were known to be fakes more than a week ago too…
who the fuck believes this shit. at least press ESC and let us see if there is video options if its TRULY pc. this is just some video playing of gameplay.
Who cares about the PC. Most of them are douchebags anyways. *consoles for life*
Game was programmed on many pcs, no PCs = no games.
PC’s are douchebags? Sigh, consolites, as stupid as ever.
Obama’s America People.
Daemon tools icon on desktop, torrent application trainers, games folder (obvious pirate here) and PHOTOSHOP Icon… Obviously a fake. not to mention the window doesn’t even look legit. Also no taskbar. He has fraps but isn’t recording the gameplay on “pc” with it? Okay…
I can tell you right now thats a screen capture card he’s using and fraps to capture the video from the port of a xbox or ps3 console, also ask yourself whys the start bar missing on purpose or a coincidence he has it hidden which I doubt because you can see some of it still when it hidden you don’t see some of it. , this is fake and my friend works at best buys and he said it’s coming out November 22nd but most likely march 2014.
This is obviously fake, hes using a capture card and xbox or ps3 console they only made it 720p and you can tell by the size and graphics its console. See the creative capture folder to the right CreativeAlcamy gave it away, nice try you noobski russian.
hmm… am i missing something here? the windows look questionable, but as for the rest its all conjecture. isnt CreativeAlchemy something to do with audio anyway OpenAL maybe? i cant remember.
Also the dude could have hidden the taskbar…
Just sayin’
He hid it on purpose this is a fake, there is emulators out there that will play the game from a ps3 and xbox 360 emu.
The guy is using the creative software it is a capture card requirement to have Creative Alchemy
alright, i admit it looks about as real as unicorn sandwiches
All lies, not real dates, still nothing confirmed, oh dam fuck i hate when they joke to the pc fans… 🙁
rockstar plz plz release gta V on pc i will pay triple price.
Looking at the standard resolution in those images, the lack of AA, the lack of AF and the textures, shaders and view distance being IDENTICAL to the console version. I call bullshit.
[…] Un utilizator Reddit susține că a testat “GTA V” (GTA 5) pentru PC, si a publicat capturi ”autentice” ale ecranului, conform nonfictiongaming.com. […]
fuck…haven’t you read?Its its just a leak not official…morons
[…] an expansion to the Creator tool in the future but no announcement on the horizon related to a GTA V PC edition just […]