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HomeUpdatesDead Or Alive 5 Ultimate Core Fighters Free Stuff

Dead Or Alive 5 Ultimate Core Fighters Free Stuff

Dead Or Alive 5 Ultimate Core Fighters Goes Over 500,000 Downloads, Team NINJA Throws In Some More Freebies.

dead or alive 5 ultimate core fighters costumes

Team NINJA has decided to kick off several weeks of ‘Tailgate’ festivities to celebrate the success of Dead Or Alive 5 Ultimate Core Fighters (DOA5U: Core Fighters). Limited time in-game and free content including access to Leon and Rachel, the Tecmo Bowl Throwback and new ‘Grades’: Emerald, Ruby and Topaz.

dead or alive 5 ultimate core fighters costumes

For those American Football fans, Tecmo Bowl uniforms for Bass, Bayman, Leon, Rachel, Zack and Tina are being released. Tecmo Bowl Throwback and DOA5U: Core Fighters are included with the purchase of any of the six costumes or the full Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate Champion set through to November 26th. Limited time offers also include the use of Leon and Rachel free of charge for DOA5U: CORE FIGHTERS players, through November 19 (PlayStation 3 only).

DOA5 Ultimate is an expanded edition of 2012’s Dead or Alive 5, incorporating some features from the PlayStation Vita’s Dead or Alive 5 Plus as well as additional content, including five characters that are new or returning to the series (including two Ninja Gaiden characters), as well as gameplay system tweaks and expansions, many of them in the online multiplayer tag team mode (including an introduction of two-on-two tag team battles).

dead or alive 5 ultimate core fighters costumes

Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate Core Fighters is a free-to-play cut version of DOA5 Ultimate, released on the PlayStation Store alongside the retail game. The arcade edition is to be distributed by Sega as Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate: Arcade later in 2013.

dead or alive 5 ultimate core fighters costumes

For More Information About Dead Or Alive Ultimate Core Fighters Costumes Check Out The Official Website

Daniel Ryan
Daniel Ryan
Daniel 'Sheriff Dan' Ryan is a long time Dungeon Master who has worked in Esports, Marketing, and writes about Gaming when the sun goes down.


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