Saturday, March 29, 2025
HomeUpdatesOfficial GTA V Guide App Released On iPad

Official GTA V Guide App Released On iPad

You No Longer Needing To Flip Through Big Tomes Of Maps And Hints, The GTA V Guide App Is Now Available For iPad.


An interactive version of the entire Grand Theft Auto V Signature Series Guide from BradyGames, featuring high-resolution interactive versions of the map with selectable lists for tracking collectibles alongside:

Main Story & Missions

If you’re stuck or just want to know the quickest way to get through the games, there is a walk-through for every mission. Including the planning and execution of all of the major heists.

Know exactly when to jump in and out of the lives of each of the three main characters and which weapons, tactics, and routes are most effective. Dive deeper into the story with tips for each mission and insight on every twist and turn; know when choices with consequences must be made, and achieve a Gold Medal every time.

Hobbies & Pastimes


Tips for every job and ambient activity including Hunting, Races, Arms Trafficking, Flight School, Property Management, Skydiving, Golf, Assassination Missions, Yoga, and all those other little things that eat up precious heist time.

Maps & Collectables

Maps and detailed descriptions for all Aerial Challenges, Stunt Jumps, Spaceship Parts, Submarine Pieces, Hidden Packages, and more.

100% Completion

Detailed instructions on how to find every colorful character to meet, all activities to complete and everything else you need to achieve 100% completion.

The Grand Theft Auto V Official Interactive Strategy Guide requires iOS 4.3 or later and is available now on the iTunes Store for $4.99.

Daniel Ryan
Daniel Ryan
Daniel 'Sheriff Dan' Ryan is a long time Dungeon Master who has worked in Esports, Marketing, and writes about Gaming when the sun goes down.



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