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HomeUpdatesStar Citizen Reveals FPS Module During PAX Australia

Star Citizen Reveals FPS Module During PAX Australia

Star Citizen is anything and everything when it comes to the pushing the boundaries. It’s ambitious and risky, but if the line stretched around Melbourne Theatre was any indication, there’s an audience keen for everything Robert Space Industries. Supporters poured forth and we were lucky enough to have a centre seat to the latest Star Citizen update.


Star Citizen FPS Module

Star Citizen FPS PAX Australia

Admiral Chris Roberts, took to the stage on a Saturday night during PAX Australia to show off the first footage of team battles on a space station. This was the first reveal of the FPS ‘module’ in the game, received by cheers and applause by a packed hall of dedicated gamers.

The FPS module will allow players to run and gun when not in the pilot seat, either infiltrating stations, planetfall or just popping out for a quick lap around the hangar.

Star Citizen FPS PAX Australia

Chris made a point of explaining how the first person mode is different from other FPS games. Even things as simple as how the camera and model movement interact has been built from the ground up to provide an immersive experience.

Two teams took to the stage to show off a live demo of some PVP action, It’s a bit rough but brimming with possibility.

Check it out below.

Star Citizen is big and ambitious in everything it’s doing to the PC gaming world right now. There are years of development ahead and the excitement is still palpable in the Melbourne crowd.

The addition of this game module adds another facet to the growing mashup that is Star Citizen. The ultimate goal isn’t clear from where it stands now, but zero gravity gun battles and infiltration are excellent additions to what is already a solid starship game.

Star Citizen FPS PAX Australia

Doing a live demonstration of an alpha build takes guts, the game comes through as rough around the edges with a solid core.

We try not to buy into hype, especially with a game so far away from completion, but Star Citizen looks pretty solid, the question will be if it’s too broad or is too ambitious.

The team behind Star Citizen’s FPS module, Illfonic took to the stage to talk about their experience working in secret for Admiral Chris Roberts.

 What other game modes are being secretly worked on is anyone’s guess.


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Daniel Ryan
Daniel Ryanhttps://www.nonfictiongaming.com/author/nfgdan/
Daniel 'Sheriff Dan' Ryan is a long time Dungeon Master who has worked in Esports, Marketing, and writes about Gaming when the sun goes down.


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