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Top Scores: Our Favourite Video Game Songs

There’s nothing quite like a good musical score to really bring out the beauty of a game. This week we take a look at which songs we just love to hear again and again. We’ve spoken about the great sounds of Bastion before, along with the incredible songs that Bethesda uses in their games.

So it’s probably no surprise that we’ve got a few favourites up our sleeves when it comes to game tunes.


“Outskirts of Time (Chrono Trigger)


Chrono Trigger

I’ve racked my brain all week to pick a favourite. Do I pick based on what is the most iconic like the Mario Bros theme? Or the boss theme that got me most hyped like “One Winged Angel”? Or one that made me saddest like “The Other Promise” from KH2 Final Mix?

Luckily, in the end I found the perfect song to treat our audience to: “Outskirts of Time” from the Chrono Trigger soundtrack is the end credits theme and it is absolutely beautiful.

For me, it is both a song of celebration and sadness as it comes at the end of a very enjoyable journey that I wish didn’t have to end so soon.

Very few games I feel have an end credits theme I feel could bring a tear to my eye, but Chrono Trigger pulled it off.

“Snake Eater” (Metal Gear Solid 3)

James Wilson


Dark Souls has one of the best soundtracks I’ve ever had the pleasure of listening to. The game can go from Gothic orchestra music, which adds to the game’s eerie nature, to intense boss fight melodies, to sombre piano playing; making a certain encounter all the more depressing.

This may be my favourite soundtrack, however, the song that has stood out the most during my time playing games is “Snake Eater”, performed by Cynthia Harrell, from Metal Gear Sold 3: Snake Eater.

The typically bond-like song is just simply epic, and is the best way to spend your time whilst climbing the world’s biggest ladder.

Soundtrack (FTL: Faster Than Light)

Senior Stiv

ftl Game

There have been so many great gaming soundtracks that have been influential to me, but there is one that has left a massive impression on me: FTL: Faster Than Light.

The digital/8-bit synth sound fits the atmosphere of the game perfectly while also sounding incredibly beautiful. Hell, even at times it is incredibly soothing.

I have honestly used this soundtrack to help me fall asleep when I had difficulty doing so. Even the more high action songs, which slowly rise in intensity, nail the feeling of the game’s difficulty level.
I know were supposed to choose one song for this article, but the whole soundtrack is too damn amazing. If haven’t checked out FTL: Faster Than Light or its soundtrack I highly recommend picking up both.

“Daybreaker” (Soul Calibur 5)

Aidan B.


It took some time to think of what song I loved most. Obviously things like the boss themes from the original Sonic or the 25th anniversary renditions of Zelda songs such as “Gerudo Valley” are safe choices.

Lately, though, I’ve fallen in love with the bombastic symphonic score of Soul Calibur V. I was originally drawn in by the “Blood Thirst Concerto” but I think the one that stays with me most is the theme of Hilde: “Daybreaker.”

There’s nothing quite like it in terms of power and class. It toes the line between having the epic adventure feel as well as being fast-paced enough for a fighting game and to simply sit back and enjoy.

In fact, it’s not hard to find a game that this song wouldn’t lend some of its credence to.

What Are Some Of Your Favourite Video Game Songs?

We’ve shared our favourites with you, now we want to hear some of the music that gives you chills. Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook and Twitter.

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