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HomeVideosTom Clancy’s The Division ‘Agent Journey’ Trailer Released

Tom Clancy’s The Division ‘Agent Journey’ Trailer Released

Tom Clancy's The Division

Tom Clancy’s The Division is set to release on March 8th, 2016 following a beta later this year. But, if you can’t wait until then, Ubisoft have released a new trailer known as ‘Agent Journey’ to keep your hype furnace fuelled through winter.

The trailer depicts your (the Agent’s) Journey through the events of The Division, battles you might face, levelling and the weapon crafting system. It’s tense, filled with action and gives a great look at what we can expect from the game when it finally releases.

We got to play a bit of hands on of The Division at PAX Australia last year. From the small amounts we’ve looked at it could shape up to be a great game to play with mates.

As per usual with big games like this, Ubisoft is keeping the cards close to its chest and isn’t letting much out that it hasn’t painstakingly OK’d first. So it could go either way on this one, but it’s one that Non-Fiction Gaming writers are looking forward to for this year.

What do you think of the latest trailer for Tom Clancy’s The Division? Getting excited or still got plenty of other games to play from 2015?

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Daniel Ryan
Daniel Ryanhttps://www.nonfictiongaming.com/author/nfgdan/
Daniel 'Sheriff Dan' Ryan is a long time Dungeon Master who has worked in Esports, Marketing, and writes about Gaming when the sun goes down.


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