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HomeUpdatesPAX AUS: VR Freeplay Area Coming to Show Floor

PAX AUS: VR Freeplay Area Coming to Show Floor

We’ve been banging on about PAX Aus and VR Gaming in separate articles for a while now. It seems it’s time to combine that chocolate and peanut butter as PAX Aus will feature a dedicated VR Freeplay Area this year.

Attendees will have the opportunity to strap on, in, and up to experience the latest virtual reality games and tech. In the announcement earlier this week,

The VR Freeplay Area, sponsored by Harvey Norman Games Hub, will let people get hands on with the latest in VR hardware, with dedicated HTC VIVE playable areas that will also include some green-screen VR setups and Omni treadmills, as well as Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR.

If you haven’t experienced VR yet it will be worth a look. Most of us at Non-Fiction Gaming who have tried it speak high praise, though we recognise it’s not for everyone. If you’re a fan of horror games, VR brings a new element to the scares.

pax-aus-2015 Dancing
Non-VR ways to shake dat booty are still available.

Jerry Holkins (Tycho), co-founder of Penny Arccade and PAX speaking on the VR Freeplay Area,

“VR dominates the headlines, yet most people have never had the chance to try it out. Trying that technology for the first time is a magical experience, and we’re glad to offer that moment to the tens of thousands of attendees coming to PAX Aus.”

The PAX Aus 2016 VR Freeplay Area can be found in a large, 234 square metre space located on level 2 of the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Though remember, there are massive queues for these kinds of things at PAX so plan ahead. Be sure to read our PAX Australia survival guide if you’re looking for ways to optimise your weekend of geekdom and gaming.

Possibly the queue for the bathroom.

Hundreds of other video and tabletop games will be shown by publishers and developers attending at the show, with the full lineup of exhibitors and panels set to be revealed in two weeks.

Single day badges for PAX Aus 2016, taking place 4-6 November, are still available for $65. Three-day badges have sold out! Purchase online at

If you can’t go, stay tuned to Non-Fiction Gaming as we’ll be posting some of the highlights and would love to hear your feedback.

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Daniel Ryan
Daniel Ryan
Daniel 'Sheriff Dan' Ryan is a long time Dungeon Master who has worked in Esports, Marketing, and writes about Gaming when the sun goes down.


  1. I got to try this at PAX West (Prime) and it was a pretty cool experience. The line was a bit confusing you signed up for a time. Then showed up for that time and got to wait in a musical chairs arrangement. While it worked just thought it was odd. I tried the HTC Vive and the Rift. I just picked up a PSVR on Wednesday night. That thing is a ton of fun.

    Have an awesome PAX Aus.

    • Very excited. I’ve tried the Vive and Rift. After reading Aidan’s article about PSVR and horror I’m keen to give it a try… but maybe with some spare pants nearby.



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