Were back speaking with Blowfish Studios (check out last year’s interview here). This time at PAX Aus the Aussie Indie darling was going all out with Siegecraft Commander.
It turns out a year of maturing has not made your editor any better at this game, especially when giving it a try using the HTC Vive headset. What’s amazing was the different perspective playing Siegecraft Commander with VR offered though.
In the video below we speak with Ellen Jurik, Producer & Narrative Designer at Blowfish Studios. Ellen filled us in on the change of art style and how the Cross-platform play works.
The game is cross-platform with consoles able to play online with PC players. PlayStation players won’t be going up against Xbox One players any time soon.
The game is designed fine to use with a controller, keyboard warriors shouldn’t have any trouble with Commanding Siegecrafts. However, the ability to zoom in and shift your perspective in VR adds a new level of difficulty and also immersion.
Siegecraft Commander is coming to Steam, XboxOne, PlayStation 4, NvidiaShield, SteamVR, Oculus and Win10 on January 17, 2017!
Siegecraft Commander at PAX Aus
Siegecraft Commander is the latest instalment in the popular Siegecraft franchise. With a combination of twitch mechanics and positional tactics, the aim is to build a fortress in a branching structure with specialised towers connected with lofty indestructible walls.
As Ellen mentioned, the game can be played turn-based in single player, though the real tension comes into play during real time single or multi-player.
Every tower boasts a distinct advantage; a Barracks generates foot soldiers that advance into enemy lines, while Ballistas act as passive defenders against air-based units. Learn the pros and cons of each unit as you send them into battle and master the art of war!
As I mention in the interview, I’m terrible at this game. A year of maturing hasn’t changed anything, Ellen was sympathetic to your Editor’s lack of Siegecraft Commander ability by saying,
As High Mason York says, “If at first you don’t succeed … aim better!” 😉
From what little I’ve played, I can see this game added to the roster of couch multiplayer games if you’re on console. If VR is what you’re after, this is also worth a look.
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