Fans of nudity are in luck, I guess, it was recently discovered that there are nude files in Final Fantasy XV. The game is chock full of attractive characters, so the news should please anyone who might be attracted to some of them.

Players looking for these will likely be surprised with what they find, since the nude files seem to apply to several characters. Nudity isn’t the only thing discovered, as fans have also discovered the old attire of Noctis from Versus 13.
A lot of fans were really into the possible direction of that game, so seeing this should make them wonder what could have been.
The Naked Truth of Final Fantasy XV
Modder Rich Whitehouse discovered the nude files and posted a number of them on Twitter, some of which are pretty graphic. The files contain detailed nude designs for characters such as Camelia Claustra and Gentiana.
Meanwhile, Noctis didn’t receive this attention to detail as Square Enix didn’t place nipples on the character. Admittedly, these might not be a big deal to some, since these are CGI characters and can simply be viewed as character models.
Final Fantasy XV might have pretty characters – male and female – but this is the Internet, naked models aren’t such a big revelation these days.

This likely wont cause a big fuss like GTA San Andreas but who can tell with outrage culture these days. Square hasn’t hidden away a sex scene (that we’ve found yet), so there’s very little for conservative parents to worry about.
Still, some fans might want to see these character nudes for fun, so they can do so through these files.
Still NSFW
Players who thought half-naked Gladiolus would be the most nudity seen in Final Fantasy XV are clearly wrong. Some of these same players want a full-naked Gladio, and I can’t blame them. The nudity should make some fans chuckle, but it’s not a big deal and loses some appeal beyond “ooh they’re nude.”
Some might appreciate the amount of detail put into these nude character models, but that’s the most fans will get out of it.
Which character is the dreamiest? I’m sure there are more opinions than nipples.

Aside from these nudes, there’s still more DLC fans can look forward to, some free and others in the season pass. Gladiolus recently got an episode and fans are now waiting for the ones focused on Prompto and Ignis.
Free content has also been teased, which will supposedly detail some of the story that makes the game feel incomplete.
Final Fantasy XV is available now on PS4 and Xbox One. The season pass is available now for US$29.99. Episode Gladiolus is US$4.99 by itself.
How can I add this in game ?
is there any mod to insert this character ?
“Episode Gladiolus is US$4.99 by itself.” I didn’t literally laugh out loud, but I was very amused.