Tuesday, April 1, 2025
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What We’ve Been Playing

Hello citizens of the Internet. It is time once again for what we’ve been playing,  featuring Real-Time Strategy games for the most part and a certain amazing game that you should all buy and play.

 Video Games


This week has been all about StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm for me. I’m yet to play the campaign but have got stuck into the multiplayer. I’m still trying to suss out all the new units and try come up with some new builds. Not to mention ways of defending and countering.

Scouting Terran

Plus the GSL (Global StarCraft League) is back and I’m yet to see a season as exciting as this! Some big name players haven’t adjusted to the expansion yet so we’re seeing some massive upsets. And there’s nothing more entertaining than watching the pro’s play how I could only dream of.

 Senior Stiv:

If you couldn’t tell by the review I’ve been playing lots of Bioshock Infinite. Although the games ending has probably been ruined by the massive amount of articles talking about it, I’m going to keep things under wraps for those of you who still want it kept secret. I will say that the story was amazing and mind bending and the gameplay is everything you want from a Bioshock game. I’m going to call the skyhook one of the best melee weapons in a game. You haven’t seen anything quite as brutal until you’ve used it.

Source: http://media.mightyape.net.nz/images/products/20871626/BioShock-Infinite-Sky-Hook-Replica-14063727-5.jpeg
Did we mention that you can actually buy replicas?

I also picked up the new and improved HD version of Age of Empires II: Age of Kings on Steam. For those of you who played the original the new version brings all the classic fun of building an empire as you put another one to the torch. The HD also manages to make the game look cleaner and crisper with improved effects especially with water. You should seriously get this game if you’re an old fan.

Sheriff Dan:

My past week has been focused on eSports and competitive gaming. Getting close to the semi finals of the Heroes of Newerth NFG CyberGamer invite League. Our coverage over at Twitch.tv/nfgHoN has been getting some great support from the community.

Talking about competitive games, with the StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm campaign done, I’ve moved into ranked multiplayer. Less said about my performance there the better.

Source: http://www.blogcdn.com/blog.games.com/media/2013/03/starcraft-ii-heart-of-the-swarm-pc--starcraft-2-kiegeszito--pc-23089.jpg
I have no idea what I’m doing

The Dungeons and Dragons MMO Neverwinter has opened up their beta for the weekend. You can see my first impressions on the game here. I hope to spend a bit more time casting Magic Missile or Lance of Faith with the Non-Fiction Gaming staff.

 KRS 2:

I received Bioshock Infinite in the mail just before Easter and played little else over the past fortnight. A truly inspiring game, I fell in love with it the moment I started playing. Starting the game on a rowboat  I approached a mysterious light house that felt both nostalgic and alienating at the same time. When I was launched into the sky, my breath was taken away not by the sight of a failed underwater utopian society bathed in a neon glow like the first Bioshock, but a fully functioning city basking in the radiant glow of the sun and surrounded by the bluest of skies.

I longed to be in the city myself, a feeling that is extremely short-lived when you realise the citizens are religious fanatics standing above their “inferior coloured” servants. I could continue praising the game’s atmosphere, but I recommend you play the game yourself and lose yourself in the city of Columbia, and engross yourself in its story.

Image source: http://images.vg247.com/current//2013/02/bioshock_infinite_3.jpg
Also mechanical presidents with guns are awesome

But since finishing the game (twice), I started playing through Batman Arkham City on the Wii U. If you have a Wii U and never played the game pick it up and play it, as it comes with ALL download content and a couple of exclusive extra features. Now, I must go face the Joker. I’m Batman.

Let us know what you’ve been playing in the comments below or tweet to us: @nfglive.



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