Namco Bandai have filed a trademark listing for Soldiers Souls, this hints that the developers of the critically acclaimed Souls series, are hard at work implementing yet another treacherous chapter into this compelling saga.
However information concerning this recent revelations is scarce and with no official statement from the development team, it will remain concealed within the shadows for an undisclosed period of time.
However for all of the Souls series fans whom crave an additional serving from this ravenous series, From Software are continuously working on Bloodborne for the PlayStation 4, which will act as a spiritual successor to the series’ previous installments.
However despite Bloodborne’s PS4 exclusivity a new entry in the Souls series will still make its debut across PS4, and Xbox One, in the form of Dark Souls 2 Scholar Of The First Sin, a revamped edition of Dark Souls last generation counterpart.
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