Sunday, September 8, 2024

what we've been playing - search results

If you're not happy with the results, please do another search.

What We’ve Been Playing Post E3 June 2012

Skyrim is mentioned along with some Humble Indie Bundle classics and many mobile applications.

What We’ve Been Playing June 2012

With copious amounts of time from our staff members spent playing Diablo III this weeks 'What We've Been Playing' may be rather lop sided.

What We’ve Been Playing May 2012

With the launch of Diablo III during the week check out if our writers have being inundated with all things Diablo. Have you played non stop since its release? Or have the server issues put you off entirely? Let us know in the comments section below.

What We’ve Been Playing May 2012

We've had a fabulous response from the community with last weeks Childhood Video Game Memories article.

What We’ve Been Playing MOBA Time

Also some of the guys in the team have been intertwined in furious debates as to which is better DotA 2, LoL or HoN. But never fear in between the heated arguments we did manage to squeeze in some video game time too.

What We’ve Been Playing April 2012

We've reviewed a number of diverse games playing a bit of catch up with Half-Life and have looked at the impressive Infinity Blade, which has pushed the boundaries on mobile gaming.

What we’ve been playing – Easter Edition

Happy Easter from all the staff here at NFG. We've all stocked up on Easter eggs to keep us going through the four-day weekend. No excuses for being too busy. Let the all-out gaming marathons begin!

What We’ve Been Playing April 2014

We are being all traditional and stuff here at NFG and bringing you for a second week in a row another 'What We've Been Playing' article.

What We’ve Been Playing

It has been a hectic week here at Non-Fiction Gaming with content as well as readership steadily increasing. We all hope you've been having as much fun reading our rants, informative news and reviews as we have had writing them.

Games We’ve Been Playing: May 2015

It's been another long week of gaming and we've been doing our best here to keep up with all that is going on. Here's a quick run-down of what games have been gracing our screens.

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