Friday, October 18, 2024

what we've been playing - search results

If you're not happy with the results, please do another search.

Indie Games Investigator – Chapter One

  For most gamers, their gaming life revolves around the flashy titles of your EAs, THQs and Blizzards. AAA titles that you can find on...

Terrible Movies Based On Video Games

We've talked about movies based on video games before, but as they keep making them, we are more than happy to keep tearing them...

[Opinion] 5 Kickstarter Games To Throw Money At

Kickstarter is getting all kinds of attention in the last few months. We've seen projects ranging from watches that intergrate with smartphones to bathroom beacons highlighting...

[Feature] The Dawn of The Next Gaming Generation

Both Nintendo's next generation console and Epic's powerful new engine Unreal Engine have finally made the next generation games tangible

[News] Blizzard Apologises for Diablo III Errors

Evil has returned to the land…it's just been a little slow getting here. Blizzard has issued an apology to Diablo III players affected by the...

[eSports] NASL – Tribes: Ascend $10,000 Tournament

Earlier this week, the North American Star league (NASL) announced the next phase of Tribes: Ascend as a competitive eSports title with an upcoming...

ManBeast and the Game Xenoblade Chronicles

Overall, Xenoblade Chronicles has an epic story-line, heaps better than half the movies I've seen and features a traditional epic rpg music score

Review – Duke Nukem Forever (PC)

The aliens have arrived on Earth and are starting to cause some mischief. The president urges calm but Duke Nukem knows better.

Banned Down Under – Australian Classification of Video Games

This is why certain games are banned from Australia. The Classification Board (ACB) doesn't technically ban the games, it just doesn't give them a rating

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